When searching for an item in the quarantine for MailEssentials, the error "Server Error in '\MailEssentials' Application" appears, and cannot be bypassed. There may be an additional error mentioning the inability to parse the flag <targetframework> and a version of .NET at the bottom of the page references something other than 4.0.30319.
- GFI MailEssentials
- Microsoft IIS 6, 7.0, 7.5
If using Microsoft IIS 6, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to Start > Control Panel > System Security > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
- If you need to connect to a remote IIS Server, right click the Internet Information Services node and click the Connect... option.
- Type in the computer name for the remote IIS Server and credentials, if necessary
- Expand the server name that houses the web site or virtual directory to be updated
- Expand Web Sites
- Expand the Web Site to view the virtual directories under the web site
- Right-click the virtual directory that you want to update to use ASP.NET 4.0 and select Properties to display the virtual directory properties dialog box
- Click the ASP.NET tab of the virtual directory properties dialog
- Click the dropdown option next to ASP.NET version: and change to 4.0 or later and click the OK button to apply changes
You will need to allow the Web Extension as well. To do so:
- Navigate to Start > Control Panel > System Security > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
- If you need to connect to a remote IIS Server, right click the Internet Information Services node and click the Connect... option
- Type in the computer name for the remote IIS Server and credentials, if necessary
- Click the Web Service Extensions folder. The security lockdown console appears in the frame on the right.
- In the Web Service Extensions window, right-click ASP.NET v4.0.30319, and then click Allow
If using IIS 7 or 7.5, please follow these steps. Note that if you have a site that uses .NET version 2.0.50727, it should be compatible with .NET 4.0.30319, but it is not guaranteed, as it is on a site-by-site basis, especially when concerning custom sites.
- Navigate to Start > Control Panel > System Security > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
- If you need to connect to a remote IIS Server, right click the Internet Information Services node and click the Connect... option
- Type in the computer name for the remote IIS Server and credentials, if necessary
- Highlight the server where the web site is held. On the right, there is a link that says Change .NET Framework Version.
- Click on the link, and change it to use 4.0.30319
- To enable the web extension for .NET 4.0.30319, select the Properties for ISAPI and CGI Restrictions
- If the option for the 4.0 web extensions are denied, change them to Allow
If these settings have been checked and the issue persists, please open a ticket with Support.
Microsoft IIS is not configured to run ASP.NET 4.0.