SpamRazer has blocked emails, that should be forwarded to Inbox/Spam. This folder doesn't exist on the Exchange Servers so now these emails are lost.
If you have configured the SpamRazer filter actions to move to Inbox/Spam, then you have to configure the option in Exchange Server to be able to set up this action. If Exchange is not configured properly, the failed emails may be found in the following locations:
Change all the TXT files that are located in the failed mails folder to EML files by renaming them.
To rename the files in bulk, please run the following command from the Command Prompt:
Ren *.txt *.eml
Move all the EML files you want re-processed to the following location:
..\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Replay
If the files have not been processed and now their extensions have been changed to .bat, the replay process has failed. In this situation, move all the EML files you want re-processed to the following location:
..\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Pickup
Please note that the locations for the replay and pickup folders may be different in your environment, based on the version of Exchange you are using. For a complete list, please check the Reprocessing Emails Wrongly Moved to the FailedMails Folder article.