Other Protection
- GfiAvRouting agent is causing emails to fail
- The Information Store Scanning won't connect to Exchange Web Services
- HTML Sanitizer is modifying emails using S/MIME
- Manually Updating Trojan & Executable Scanner and Email Exploit Engine
- Trojan and Executable Scanner
- Email Security Attendant crashing references faulting CLR.DLL
- Emails with digital certificate signatures are getting failed
- GFI MailEssentials Trojan and Executable scanner is causing failed emails - "error ","SCore","Scan: Calling [Trojan Scanner]...ok[25]"
- How do I recover a sanitized email intact?
- Configuring EmailSecurity to Delete Emails to Non-Existent Users
- Configuring the Amount of Text to Flag an Email as Spam When It Contains a Remote Image
- How to manually update the Trojan and Executable scanner
- HTML Sanitizer failing to process emails
- HTML Sanitizer modified emails will have broken digital signatures but are still showing as OK in Dashboard
- Japanese emails are garbled by the HTML sanitizer
- Prefetch does not retrieve the sending IP from emails
- Russian encoded emails are garbled when GFI MailEssentials is enabled
- Error Approving Emails: "Forms authentication failed for the request..."
- HTML Sanitizer
- Unable to open HTML Attachments from Office 365 Encrypted Emails